Wernfried Haas wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 01:56:40PM -0500, Mark Loeser wrote:
Seems people read this to mean that I was going to write a doc, which I have
no intentions on doing.
I don't think a whole doc is necessary, but instructions for a safe
upgrade would be fine. A think a one-liner like
emerge -u gcc && emerge -e system && emerge -e world && emerge -P gcc
&& emerge whateverneedstobedoneafterwards should suffice as documentation.

I believe adding "It is recommended that you `emerge
-e system && emerge -e world` after merging gcc-3.4" to the einfo at the end
of the gcc-3.4.4 install should be good enough.
Maybe people look closer if they upgrade gcc, but einfo still gets
overlooked easily.

So, let me know if marking it stable in the next day or two is completely stupid and I should wait to announce this via the GWN or something, or if its an alright move and people aren't going to stab me for marking it stable.
Assuming a clear upgrade path is provided i think it would be
fine. We'll make some sticky thread on the forum mentioning that
instructions, i bet it couldn't hurt to put them on the gentoo
mainpage, as topic in #gentoo etc. I'm also pretty sure next GWN is
likely to report about the update.
Just because we haven't got emerge --news it doesn't mean we haven't
got lots of ways to reach our users. Every user that gets to read them
in time is a potential bug report less.

Personally, I would set a date next week, so that way GWN and other places can be prepare for this, a definate date for users to know that it IS going to happen, and I personally think that a sticky on the forum (i would even be willing to write a little something, but i'm no expert) is a minimum. A full out doc with all the FAQ and important notes about what needs to be recompiled (in my opinion) would be a much more through upgrade path, ofcourse still include the einfo quick instructions. But I think the masses of users will not be happy when they realize that emerge -e world && emerge -e world means that they will be compiling for the next day (or 2 or 3), so a way to block the upgrade from messing up people that wish to keep 3.3.x as default would be a good idea.

just my $.02

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