Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> On Monday 22 May 2006 17:29, Grant Goodyear wrote:
>> Jon Portnoy wrote: [Mon May 22 2006, 09:38:23AM CDT]
>>> On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 09:21:34AM -0400, Ned Ludd wrote:
>>>> Please don't change your wording on that. The feel really strongly
>>>> about the primary pkg manager of Gentoo needing remain under the
>>>> full control of Gentoo Linux.
>>> Agreed, I'm of the opinion it would be inappropriate to let an
>>> outside entity steer our primary package manager.
>> I'm not sure I understand why.  After all, mandriva, suse, ubuntu, and
>> many others have survived quite well.  More to the point, though, it's
>> not clear to me what awful things happen if Gentoo does not own the
>> package manager code, as long as that code is under a reasonable
>> license.  Suppose that such a package manager did became a Gentoo
>> default, and at some point the program diverged from what Gentoo really
>> wanted; wouldn't Gentoo then just fork the package manager?  Am I
>> missing something obvious?
> There are serious costs involved with forking something. For gentoo this 
> would include image problems by being seen as "evil" forkers. Also 
> mandriva, suse, ubuntu etc. distinguish themselves from the pack in which 
> packages are offered in which configuration. Gentoo differs from that in 
> that users can determine the configuration. The package manager directly 
> influences the freedom available for the users. Making binary and source 
> distros not easilly comparable.
> Paul

So what you really meant to say was, "I don't have a good answer, so
I'll make something up which makes no sense."

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