Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 20:24 +0000, Richard Brown wrote:
>> Why is it a such a problem to be clear? The council is proposing changes
>> that affect us all, giving us two days to discuss it, and then a council
>> member is shouting at someone when he says he thinks the CoC is unclear?
> I am shouting at no one.  At no point have I done anything to indicate
> any sort of anger.

You wrote EVERYTHING instead of everything, on the internet that is
shouting. If your posts weren't conveying anger, they were expressing
your annoyance at having to post at all. What emotion did you think you
were expressing when you wrote *sigh*, or when you said "we don't care"?

> If you're failing to see the "respect" in my replies I get the feeling
> that you're reading much more into my replies than the simple text that
> is laid out in my emails.  I'm not going to respond to this thread
> anymore, since I'm apparently being disrespectful by attempting to
> provide answers to the questions given.

No, it's the exact opposite, all I'm doing is reading your words, and
they're very emotive. I'm perfectly happy to accept that you didn't mean
any disrespect in what you said, but will the Proctor's be? Will
jaervosz be? Stopping posting is one way of dealing with it, I suppose,
is that the purpose of the CoC? You say something, I say I don't think
you're being respectful and you back down? The CoC shouldn't leave you
feeling unable to express your view.

> member, but not the whole.  I'm sick of this.  Writing is not like code.
> Writing is interpreted.  There isn't a right and wrong in writing.  You
> don't have to always be exact and specific.  You don't have to be
> pedantic and list out every single detail to every single point.  You
> also don't have to pick apart every single word that every single person
> says on every single post.

Already you're back using emotive language in a technical discussion,
"I'm sick of this." Respectfully, you're wrong. When you're writing a
policy document we do need to dissect every word. An author might know
what they mean when they write it, but what if they're not around next
year to ask? I don't mistrust you wolf31o2, I want to make sure I don't
misunderstand you, and I want to make sure that when a new policy is
enacted, it's right, not rushed.

Apologies for length,

Richard Brown

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