(Quoting Chris below, but actually replying to Alexandre)

On 4/10/07, Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Will this actually resolve any of the recent problems?

That's a good point, let's list them.

Will this stop flame wars?

This a mailing-list issue, no amount of restructuring will fix that.
We now have the CoC and a splitting of -dev is planned to be discussed
at next council meeting. So it surely doesn't look like nothing is
being done about this.

Will this cause people be nicer to each other?

See above. In the end niceness needs fun, and fun needs niceness. All
we need is to prime the pump. This requires an effort from everybody,
but I'm confident we'll make it in the end.

Will this give us more qualified developers?

Recruiters are working hard to get new, better people in. Again,
structure has nothing to do with this. We may need more recruiters and
a polishing of the recruiting procedures, but this is already being
addressed. A new recuiters lead and the equizapp project are good
examples of what is being done.

Will this increase the quality of the tree?

QA issue, here, and again they may need more people, better
procedures, and maybe more power but it isn't a structure issue.
Splitting projects (and thus people) even more than what they are
today will only result in a QA nightmare, as it will be very difficult
to maintain (or worse, to enforce) a suitable level of quality and

I think that the clique-like nature of many projects is part of the
problem.  We already have too much of a "us versus them" mentality.

Right on. What we need is unity and coherence. We need to be facing
issues together, not creating new needless ones. With Gentoo growing
everyday it's certainly more and more difficult, but this is our
challenge for today and tomorrow. Recent history shows we are a lot
better with technical issues than with human relations so I suspect
we'll struggle quite a bit along the way. Btw, this being a social
issue, a structure change won't do anything to it. But I'm sure we'll
make it simply because we have too.

What, exactly, is your proposal supposed to actually accomplish?

With all the respect due to you and the effort you put into writing
this proposal, I'd be tempted to answer: "apply a cataplasm on a
wooden leg" (you surely know this old french saying). I've seen this
"let's restructure, it'll solve it all" thing too many times in real
life, and the only effect was always to delay the actual resolution of
the problems, and lose valuable energy and people on the way.

The bottom line is that we already have solutions for most of the
problems we are facing, and some are already being implemented. All we
need is to continue working on what's left to do, wait for the first
results, and apply corrections if necessary. We shouldn't expect our
actions to have immediate effect and problems be solved overnight.

However, if we have a structure problem I'm all for trying to address
it. But first I'll need to hear what it is exactly.

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