On 6/12/07, Alexander Gabert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A Philosophy I picked up in a Politics chat room, was discuss problems
& issues, not people. People in said room were repremanded for
discussing others either directly or indirectly whether or not said
persons were present (  this did exclude politicians & celebrities
mind, who are 'public-domain' for slag-bait )

For good reason, is when either side runs out of conclusive logical
arguments, they start sandbagging the person who they want to loose
the argument of. This in turn creates a victim / persecutor cycle
which produces pain due to the nature of personal attacks, and often
results in a nasty big flame war like we keep having , where the
discussion is not about any real problems, but mostly  just a big
mudflinging match at various people.

( I won't say I'm perfect, I've fallen victim to this myself, but the
volume on gentoo ML is just rediculous to say the least )

So please, problems, not people, people :)


ruby -e '[1, 2, 4, 7, 0, 9, 5, 8, 3, 10, 11, 6, 12, 13].each{|x|
print "enNOSPicAMreil [EMAIL PROTECTED]"[(2*x)..(2*x+1)]}'
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