Piotr Jaroszyński <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Tue, 18 Dec 2007
21:11:20 +0100:

> On Tuesday 18 of December 2007 20:45:44 Duncan wrote:
>> How about when we have a dozen or so EAPIs active, several of which
>> apply to a specific ebuild?
> Where is this idea of mixing EAPIs coming from? It really doesn't make
> much sense.

If EAPI is defined as a particular set of features and rules as grouped 
together under a specific EAPI label (Ciaran's general definition), and 
is specifically not ordered, as is the case, thus allowing, potentially, 
multiple EAPIs to evolve in parallel (Grobian's message), as the upthread 
argues is possible, even likely...

And if a particular ebuild uses features from a non-conflicting super-set 
of several such EAPIs (Ulrich's message) ...

Then said ebuild under this GLEP would need labeled with "the lot of 
'em."  The message to which I replied (Fernando's) asked what's the 
problem with that, so I provided an example.  Now it /was/ extreme -- one 
would hope it wouldn't ever get quite /that/ bad, but given the context, 
I guess I agree with Ulrich' comment -- that the resulting filenames 
could indeed end up rather strange looking.  It's certainly something I 
hadn't thought of until he connected the dots.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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