Robin H. Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 04:22:02PM +0200, Tiziano M?ller wrote:
>> One GLEP introduces new elements 'team', 'dev' and 'proxy':
> 1. With the addition of <maintainer><team>cpp</team></maintainer>, why
> do we still need <herd> elements?

I'd see the herd element as kind of tag which could be used to search for
packages (given the corresponding tools).

> 2. "<gentoo:dev>dev-zero</gentoo:dev>". That's not possible to validate
> sanely. The following would be better:
> <maintainer><dev project="foobar">moodev</dev></maintainer>
> With the default value of the 'project' attribute being 'gentoo'.
That's another good solution. The possibility I mentioned is rather suitable
for others wanting to extend our metadata.xml format (and still be able to
validate the content of gentoo:dev against our list of devs).

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