Rémi Cardona wrote:

> Robin H. Johnson wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 04:22:02PM +0200, Tiziano M?ller wrote:
>>> One GLEP introduces new elements 'team', 'dev' and 'proxy':
>> 1. With the addition of<maintainer><team>cpp</team></maintainer>, why
>> do we still need<herd>  elements?
> The Gnome Team has 3 herds : gnome, gnome-mm and gnome-office. While
> officially we (us gnomies) are all maintainers of all 3 herds, having 3
> herds makes for better housekeeping.
> And who knows, we could add one or two more herds once this GLEP is
> approved.

Well, I'd like to point out that this GLEP does not propose any changes to
how herds and teams should be organized.
For that I've written this:

In the current metastructure you (the gnomies) don't form one team which
maintains the packages in the 3 herds gnome{,-mm,-office} but it's rather 3
teams (implicitly defined by the corresponding herds).
I know this sounds really nitpicking.

Now, to get the things done we have two possibilities:
i) do the changes to metadata.xml, herds.xml and create teams.xml (if the
council approves the GLEP once completed) and then adjust our metastructure
to what the XML schemas (DTD or XSD) describe
ii) change our metastructure to allow teams to be explicitly defined and
describe the relationship between devs, teams, herds and projects properly
and then change the XML schemas to match the organizational structure.

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