Jeroen Roovers posted on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:48:18 +0100 as excerpted:

> On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 22:37:19 +0000 (UTC) Duncan <>
> wrote:
>> So going with this idea...  Isn't the treecleaner masking 30-day at
>> present?  What about extending that just a bit, to 5 weeks total, while
>> reducing the actual masking to 4 weeks, with the extra week a wait time
>> between the traditional last-rites mail and the masking?
> No, masking for removal should take 30 days. I strongly feel that before
> treecleaner@ does any masking, an announcement should go to -dev@ and
> -announce@ a pretty long time in advance, maybe two months, especially
> with the two cockups a month that I am counting now.

30-day masking /does/ give the folks updating once a month at least one 
warning, so I can see the case for that.

But... IMO extending the pre-mask warning another full 30 days... is 
asking for trouble going the /other/ way.  It's not urgent enough to 
require immediate action... which can unfortunately cause people to put 
it off and forget about it.  Then it's masked 30 days later... and we're 
back where we were!

So I'd say a week to 15 days pre-mask warning... and 14-15 days is 
stretching it.  A week is just about right, short enough to require 
urgent action and thus front-burnering, long enough that if there's a 
clear objection to be made, it should be very clear within 2-3 days, and 
there's another 4 days to actually do something about it before the 

Just my (non-gentoo-dev) opinion, however.  I'm acutely aware I'm not the 
one doing the work, so if that opinion doesn't match dev-reality, feel 
free to ignore it.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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