>>>>> On Mon, 12 Mar 2012, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> The "header comment" solution solves all these issues too, without
>> embedding unrelated information in the filename [1].

>> It can be implemented immediately, too.

> No it can't, since existing package managers don't handle it.

It can be easily implemented in a way that existing package managers
would mask the ebuild by unrecognised EAPI. At least if we stay with
bash, and nobody expects that we switch to any other format within the
next few years.

>> The argument that was always used against such solutions was that
>> it would "hurt performance". However, when the council asked for
>> benchmarks that would prove that point, nobody could provide them.

> No, the argument was that such solutions didn't solve the full
> problem. Performance issues were secondary, and were picked up upon
> as a way of avoiding the whole "nothing else solves all the
> problems" thing.

The performance argument is in GLEP 55 itself:

| Easily fetchable EAPI inside the ebuild
| Properties:
|    Can be used right away: no
|    Hurts performance: yes


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