On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 07:50:36PM +0100, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> >>>>> On Mon, 12 Mar 2012, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > GLEP 55 is simple, it solves all the problems we have (including the
> > version issue, which everyone is conveniently ignoring), it doesn't
> > require us to guess what's going to happen next and it can be
> > implemented immediately. That's a rather big deal.
> The "header comment" solution solves all these issues too, without
> embedding unrelated information in the filename [1]. It can be
> implemented immediately, too.
> The argument that was always used against such solutions was that
> it would "hurt performance". However, when the council asked for
> benchmarks that would prove that point, nobody could provide them.

Just a note... it's effectively background noise if implemented even 
halfway sanely, and that's clocking it from w/in pkgcore; for portage, 
it will be purely in the noise.

That's not to say it's *efficient*- it's just not a real world 
performance concern.

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