That's what meant since we use isolinux on the release media and until 
syslinux-6 we are forced to use another bootloader and grub seems out of the 
questions because of licensing issues. I will test new syslinux soon and see 
how isohybrid and isolinux plau together on an EFI bios.

Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <> wrote:

>Fernando Reyes schrieb:
>> The problem with the isohybrid approach is that it doesn't support UEFI 
>> booting and this is why I wouldn't recommended as a feature in catalyst. 
>> However, this should be documented somewhere so that users know its possible 
>> without having to follow the liveusb guide which is probably outdated by 
>> today's standards.
>isohybrid works with UEFI by passing --uefi option. This requires a UEFI
>bootable image (such as a UEFI capable boot loader or kernel with EFI
>stub support) to be present.
>Starting with syslinux-6.00 it will be possible to boot UEFI systems in
>EFI mode. Until then, one of the other boot loaders (rEFIt, GRUB 2,
>ELILO) might be used.
>Best regards,
>Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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