Fernando Reyes schrieb:
> That's what meant since we use isolinux on the release media and until 
> syslinux-6 we are forced to use another bootloader and grub seems out of the 
> questions because of licensing issues. I will test new syslinux soon and see 
> how isohybrid and isolinux plau together on an EFI bios.

No, all we need is to enable EFI stub support in the kernel, and
integrate the initramfs using CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE and place it in
some location where UEFI looks for it (/efi/boot/bootx64.efi).

This has the disadvantage of not allowing to pass additional kernel
parameters during boot. But it might still be an acceptable stopgap
measure if the alternative is to not boot at all.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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