Am Montag, 17. Dezember 2012, 15:56:11 schrieb Diego Elio Pettenò:
> On 17/12/2012 15:49, Marc Schiffbauer wrote:
> > What about setups where portage tree is mounted via NFS to reduce traffic
> > and disk space?
> Since nothing in Gentoo and/or other distributions _enforces_ FHS,
> you're allowed to do as you prefer....
> > FHS states[1] that /var/cache is *locally* generated. Which aould not be
> > the case for such setups...
> Again, you can do as you prefer. Do you wish to violate FHS to just keep
> in the usual place? You can. You want to move it somewhere else to
> adhere to FHS? You can.
> > I prefer /var as well, but I am not such if /var/cache would be the right
> > place...
> Any other suggestions on where to place it? And please don't say
> /var/lib because that would usually be backed up.

FHS also states:

"[...] Other portions may be shared [between systems], notably /var/mail,
/var/cache/man, /var/cache/fonts, and /var/spool/news."

So I think this might indeed be interpreted like that /var/cache/portage would
be perfectly ok.

Another place I could imagine is /var/portage because of its fundamental
importance in gentoo.

FHS about that: "Applications must generally not add directories to the top
level of /var. Such directories should only be added if they have some system-
wide implication, and in consultation with the FHS mailing list."

I think this would also be ok because portage can be counted as "system-wide
implication" ...

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