On 18 January 2013 04:24, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 17 January 2013 14:44:14 Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:35:12 -0500 James Cloos wrote:
>> > >>>>> "CM" == Ciaran McCreesh writes:
>> > CM> That's what's known as "doing it wrong". You should be querying
>> > CM> your package mangler for a list of categories, not doing an 'ls'.
>> >
>> > ls(1) isn't relevant.  find(1) is.  grep(1) is.  There are others.
>> >
>> > Using the 'package managers' isn't very helpful.  They generally do
>> > everything poorly.  And usually **s*l*o*w*l*y**, if they compile at
>> > all.
>> On the other hand, they do things correctly, which your approach
>> doesn't.
>> > I can't even remember every time I've needed to use a regex, glob or
>> > other pattern match where the fact that the real categories had a dash
>> > made things easier and faster.
>> But wrong. If you want wrong answers quickly, cat /dev/urandom.
> and breaking people for no good reason is just that -- not a good reason.
> is code that makes this assumption kind of crappy ?  yes.  is this new
> proposal a compelling use case for breaking that (pretty common) assumption ?
> no.  there's no real technical overhead to have new qt categories follow the
> existing practice.
> -mike

I also like the current style for categories (foo-bar) and I also like
the "qt-framework" or "qt-libs" proposals but now that I think about
it again, I see no urgent reason to move away from x11-libs. I also
dislike the idea to drop the qt-* prefix from the Qt modules.

Markos Chandras / Gentoo Linux Developer / Key ID: B4AFF2C2

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