On 02/01/2013 10:55 AM, Ben de Groot wrote:
> On 1 February 2013 02:59, Pacho Ramos <pa...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> El dom, 27-01-2013 a las 18:47 +0100, Pacho Ramos escribió:
>>> El dom, 27-01-2013 a las 15:00 +0100, Pacho Ramos escribió:
>>>> Currently, when people uses DOC_CONTENTS variable to place their desired
>>>> messages, they are automatically reformatted by "fmt" to get proper
>>>> messages (for example, splitting long lines).
>>>> But, in some cases, may be useful to disable this behavior and respect
>>>> strictly how DOC_CONTENTS was formatted, for example in that kind of
>>>> messages telling people to run a command and, then, requiring a new line
>>>> to be used. This can also be useful to append extra information to
>>>> DOC_CONTENTS when, for example, additional info is needed when enabling
>>>> a USE flag.
>>> Well, after reading man echo I see all this is not needed, I simply need
>>> to use echo -e to get it understand "\n" to create new lines
>>> New patch attached
>> This will add an option to disabling autoformatting to let people get
>> their doc_contents 100% respected if they want
> How about using an "as-is" argument to readme.gentoo_create_doc?
> That would be more concise. :-)
PLEASE, add "define DOC_CONTENTS in an non-global scope, use
src_prepare/pkg_setup instead" to the eclass documentation of
readme.gentoo_print_elog, Thanks

++ for the eclass, the README.gentoo might submerge into the users
handling of Gentoo Systems. (I always laughed about README.Debian)
[1] show an report about exactly the non-atomar situation of elog and
application usage.

While [2] complained about elog cluttering, I try to migrate
x11-wm/xpra-0.8.0 (upcoming), am I doing it right?

please make your Xorg binary readable for users of xpra
  chmod a+r /usr/bin/Xorg
and think about the security impact
A copy at ~/.xpra/Xorg matching the current modules is sufficient.

^^ clearly would benefit from non-formatting.
repoman full complains about "Ebuild contains leading spaces on line".

[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448588
[2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440464

Michael Weber
Gentoo Developer
web: https://xmw.de/
mailto: Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org>

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