On Sun, 26 May 2013 13:45:43 +0200
Tom Wijsman <tom...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 26 May 2013 12:09:21 +0200
> Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > > Easy isn't always good. It's not atomic since you can't reboot and
> > > because of that I wouldn't call it smooth either.
> > 
> > Can't you? How come?
> Because it expects the init system you boot with to be present.

And it is present. It's just the symlink what differs. The symlink
should be used just to boot the init and for nothing more. The booted
init should be able to find itself.

If it isn't, it's the init's what needs to be fixed. Really.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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