On Wed, 07 Aug 2013 19:07:55 +0200
Manuel Rüger <mr...@gentoo.org> wrote:


I appreciate the kinder tone.

> first of all I welcome and appreciate the work all members of the
> other bug wranglers project[1] and you do.

This is where you start to slip. I am not just a bug wrangler.

- I maintain many hundreds of ebuilds in the portage repository
- I do architecture testing, keywording and development (mainly for
- I regularly file bug reports as and when I find bugs.
- I also regularly support users in #gentoo and elsewhere.

In all these and other roles, I regularly need to find specific
descriptions in the often very long lists of bug reports that bugzilla
presents to me. Bug-wrangling is just the tip of the iceberg.

> Arches were added before.

See above.

> a) The bug wranglers project states their goal (I stressed the
> important things) as following:

Go on. Try again.


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