El jue, 08-08-2013 a las 11:40 -0400, Ian Stakenvicius escribió:
> That makes a lot of sense, and on that basis keeping gnome-3.8+ in
> ~arch is probably not warranted.  HOWEVER, part of keeping things
> stable is also a stable upgrade path, and -at least at this point- it
> is -not- trivial to go from gnome-2/openrc to gnome-3.8/systemd
> without a fair bit of work on the part of the end-user.
> Before anything does go stable, I implore our gnome devs to provide
> cut-and-paste level instructions to do the upgrade, or provide a tool
> to help significantly (if not fully) automate the process.  Our stable
> users should be able to emerge -uDN without spending massive amounts
> of time and who-knows-how-many reboots to resolve the blockages.

We are working on it, I am spending *a lot of effort* on making
transition smoother, oh please, I am also trying to help systemd team
with my limited knowledge about systemd to try to improve situation.

There will be an upgrade guide (as has been the case for *all* gnome
releases), we are working on improving gnome profile defaults and many

Please stop making all lose our time discussing this forever here, we
are not going to stabilize Gnome 3.8 without providing that "cut and
paste level instructions"

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