On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Fabio Erculiani <lx...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Moreover, the lvm problem is caused by a very ancient and ill decision
> about doing what upstream tells you to avoid: have mdev in the
> initramfs and udev on the final pivot rooted system. This was just
> looking for troubles but the smarties at the time decided that they
> knew better... And now, tadam, the bug is served...
> People can use genkernel-next, which comes with _proper_ udev support
> (see --udev).

I won't comment about the entire gnome monolithic windows like, vendor
controlled system that we cooperate with.

But the above statement is way too much... there should be nothing
wrong in having mdev during boot. initramfs should be simple as
possible and busybox provides this functionality well. The problem is
in udev not in any other component, that probably expects now to run
first and have total control over the boot process. I hope eudev does
not suffer from this.

If genkernel will start using udev instead of busybox, it will
probably be the last day of me use it.

I am just waiting for the point in which you claim that systemd should
be run at initramfs, because of the dependency lock-in, so you have
almost the entire system within initramfs.


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