On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <alo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> This is called a 'profile'.
> You can have systemd and openrc profiles, and then able to mask
> specific packages...
> It is a technical solution, but won't make lives much easier in this regard.


I don't think that this is really sustainable.  We can't really afford
to have a bazillion profiles with a multitude of rules about what does
and doesn't work together on top of the simple dependencies that
already exist.  This is the reason why nobody tends to use POSIX ACLs

I could see value in convenience profiles here just as we have them
for kde/gnome.  Those profiles aren't about masking incompatible
packages so much as providing a pre-packaged configuration that tends
to work (emphasis on tends - when I've built from stage3 I usually
find there is some USE flag I need to tweak).

I don't really see that as being necessary for systemd though - it
really just involves one USE flag and one package and then a bunch of
manual configuration.  Systemd isn't a collection of 100+ individual
packages which each have their own IUSE/etc.


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