On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 09:51:32 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> Daniel Campbell posted on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 02:50:27 -0600 as
> excerpted:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On 11/03/2013 10:15 PM, yac wrote:
> >> On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200 Alan McKinnon
> >> <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 
> >> [snip]
> >>>> 
> >>>> Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
> >>> 
> >>> It's always been "emerge -avuND world"
> >> [snip]
> >> 
> >> Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can
> >> see it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not
> >> good enough.
> Read the handbook lately? =:^)
> Handbook, part 2, Working with Gentoo, Chapter 1, A Portage
> Introduction, Doc_chapter 3, Maintaining Software (this is the amd64
> link):
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-amd64.xml?
> part=2&chap=1#doc_chap3
> Look under the heading Updating your System.  That starts with...
> emerge --update --ask world
> ... then discusses --deep, --withbdeps=y, and --newuse, so the
> example full update is ...
> emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse world
> --ask and --pretend are discussed in the same doc_chapter as well, as
> is -v (tho inconsistently, I don't see the long-option --verbose
> discussed, as it is for the others).
> --depclean, --search and --unmerge are discussed in that chapter too,
> as is gentoolkit with equery and revdep-rebuild.  About the only
> thing missing is sets, and they're missing from working with portage
> (part 3) AFAICT as well, most likely because the handbooks simply
> haven't been updated for sets yet.

Yes, there is describes what are possible ways to update the system and
what criteria goes into selection of the packages to update but not
which one is recommended, generaly for regular update. Could be
helpful for newbs and to avoid doubt even between more experienced

I think only -u world could be used to do updates. (possible
--with-bdeps could be recommended too, for better security until users
find out about glsa-check, though I think it is limited to packages
that are believed to be widely deployed.

> >> Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
> >> such a way implemented as "kind of option" to emerge like `emerge
> >> --standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly
> >> leverage sets like `emerge @upgrade`
> This has been discussed before.  Zac could give you a summary and 
> possibly point you at the thread, I'm sure.
> I believe the reason it wasn't done is because the default options 
> setting was added instead.  Well that and the fact that (as covered 
> below), I guess most users setup their own scripts/aliases at some
> point, at which point the existence of something that general-purpose
> default built-in becomes moot.

I expected some people to do this now, but I never found it worth
anything unless it could deal with all the
(perl|python|haskell|whatnot)-updaters and revdep-rebuild and such.
It would be nice-to-have it as part of emerge for the reasons above and
not having to 

> > You could emulate this yourself by setting up an environment
> > variable to pass to emerge, or use an alias like I do:
> > 
> > alias sysupdate='emerge -avuDN --with-bdeps=y @world'
> > 
> > (Note: I should probably extend this to accept $1 args, in case I
> > want to add `-t` or something)
> > 
> > If you wanted something to cover more bases, you could make a
> > script to do the above in addition to revdep-rebuild,
> > python-updater, etc-update, and so on. Given the power and
> > flexibility of portage/emerge and the extremely broad variety of
> > needs that Gentoo meets, I believe it would be somewhat wasted work
> > to add the option when users are already expected to read manpages
> > and the Handbook. Perhaps -avuND should be made more obvious in a
> > place or two in the documentation as a sort of compromise.
> ++
> FWIW, I have a whole set of short, often 2-4 letter aliases/scripts
> that take care of the various options, as I'm lazy and find reaching
> for the "-" key difficult.  Most of them are broken down into ea* and
> ep* variants, for ask and pretend, and the default is oneshot so as
> not to pollute the world file (which is normally empty anyway, as is
> @system for that matter as I negated it in my profile, everything's
> in sets, tho I sometimes use the worldfile as a sort of "package
> purgatory" when I want to try something out and keep it updated, but
> am not sure I want it in one of my permanent sets yet).
> Then there's esyn, which syncs both the gentoo tree and layman, as
> well as automatically handling ebuild patching and redigesting using
> a tree similar to the /etc/portage/patches/ tree, and does an
> automatic fetch deep world before its done.
> Then there's the ead (depclean) and ear (revdep-rebuild) variants, as 
> well as epc to lookup changelogs, ept* for tree, and eal for
> @smart-live- rebuild.
> Completing the set are eup (etc-update) and envup (env-update).
> I have a similar set, but starting with k* instead of e*, for
> automatic mainline kernel fetching, building, etc.  There are
> git-kernel commands and tarball-kernel commands, tho I've not used
> the latter in a few years so it could well be bitrotted.

Sooo, basicly you have defined buttload of aliases, somehow managed to
remember these nonsensical names and actually did not save any
keystrokes, because most linux users heard of tab completion and use it
succesfuly to complete commands and their arguments. Cool story bro.

Jan Matějka        | Gentoo Developer
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