On Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:59:37 +0100
"Andreas K. Huettel" <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> That said, long time ago I was taught that "instruction set
> use-flags" should be avoided as much as possible. I don't remember
> the source for that anymore. 
> Question to all, is that documented anywhere, and what are the
> specifics? I suspect "use flags that only switch CFLAGS etc" are
> forbidden, "useflags that enable assembler code etc" are allowed?

I don't think this is documented besides the fact that forcing cflags
is forbidden.

For asm code you don't have much choice: either your package compiles
all asm and has some kind of cpu detection so that it choses the best
implementation at runtime (wasting a bit of resources), either if you
enable something your cpu doesn't support then your program gets killed
Also, this is not the case for x86* but iirc on arm, if your cflags
have some -march or -mcpu then gcc forwards it to as which in turns
refuses any instruction not supported by your cpu: you must disable
forbidden instructions in order to build your package.


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