On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Thus I suggest making the following warnings proper errors:
> (Taken from current repoman 'qawarnings' set)
> "changelog.missing",
> "changelog.notadded",

These two are pretty much irrelevant now that repoman auto-generates
ChangeLog, so making them fatal doesn't really matter.

> "digest.unused",

This pretty much never pops up since repoman regens the Manifest
before committing anyway.

> "ebuild.notadded",

This automatically becomes fatal when you run repoman in commit mode.
It is a bit pointless to even run this check before that point.

> "DESCRIPTION.toolong",

I am of the opinion that strictly enforcing a length on DESCRIPTION is
stupid. Keep this as a warning please.

> "ebuild.minorsyn",

That should not be fatal. There is little value, and there are false
positives in any case.

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