William Hubbs posted on Thu, 06 Aug 2015 16:36:49 -0500 as excerpted:

> Also, I want to talk more about netmount and localmount failing.
> If netmount and localmount are set up to fail if one of the file systems
> they mount fails (which is what other init systems out there do), the
> sys admin can control whether the mount -a command cares about the
> status of specific file systems by adding nofail to the mount options in
> fstab. By default it would care, but if you add nofail to the mount
> options, you would affectively tell mount -a to not be concerned about
> whether the mount succeeds or not.

[As my previous replies were concerned with this and suggested more 
complicated solutions...]

I like it. =:^)

The nofail option is mount/fstab native, so it's "the proper way(tm)" and 
already documented at their level.

The one catch is that since it's a change from current localmount/netmount 
behavior, the upgrade guide should point it out, and a news item pointing 
it out is effectively mandatory.  In the upgrade guide (presumably on the 
wiki), I'd make it warning level, making it stand out.  Similarly, in the 
news item, I'd consider making it a separate paragraph, introduced with 
*** WARNING *** or similar.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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