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On 06/08/15 02:58 AM, Duncan wrote:
> William Hubbs posted on Wed, 05 Aug 2015 10:26:33 -0500 as
> excerpted:
>> It isn't localmount that would have the issue, but mount.*
>> because they are lexically after localmount, so you would end up
>> with localmount doing a mount -a then mount.* coming later trying
>> to mount file systems again that were mounted by localmount.
> But if localmount is a wrapper, then it pulls them in and they're
> already started (if they'll mount), just like they are now.  You'd
> just have to have it still return success even if one of the
> wrapped mounts fails, in ordered to maintain compatibility.
> So coming later won't be a problem, if they're wrapped by
> localmount, because it will have already started them anyway, so
> they'll already be detected as started.

The problem with this though is that making localmount be a wrapper
for a dynamic list of services is likely going to be difficult,
because depend() would need to be filled in according to what the
mount.* services are that people would want -- so should only the ones
in the same runlevel be started, or should all the ones that match an
fstab entry be started; and then there's the cache issue due to the
fact that detection of the mount.* services will need to occur based
on the contents of /etc/init.d/ itself.

This is where the new system falls down IMO (as discussed in previous
emails) -- it's all fine and good to say "openrc can just do X in the
locamount service", but openrc doesn't actually have a nice way to do
this type of thing yet (afaik) without making changes to internals.

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