On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 04:50:40AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Ian Stakenvicius posted on Tue, 04 Aug 2015 17:17:51 -0400 as excerpted:
> > So what you are suggesting here now is that you want to (A) potentially
> > break mounting with the need to externally manage mounts via services in
> > openrc instead of just using /etc/fstab, and (B) also break services if
> > something doesn't start, which is one of the reasons why you wanted to
> > go through with this per-mount service in the first place.  My point is
> > that no, we should keep localmount as succeeding even if one of the
> > dependent services fails to mount, *just like it does right now*, *for
> > the same reasons* as it succeeds on failure right now.
> +1
> IMO, localmount must continue to succeed /by/ /default/, even if some 
> mounts fail, because it's basically legacy, and must maintain legacy 
> behavior.  Turning it into a wrapper "internally" is fine, but the 
> overall localmount must still succeed, as too much depends on that 
> behavior as it is.
Here's what I'm trying to deal with. Consider what happens if service a
still has "need localmount" and service b has "need mount.foo".

Mounting a file system twice causes failures the second time it is
mounted, so I  either have to add special handling in the new mount
script for file systems that are already mounted or come up with a way
to make sure localmount runs after all instances of the new mount

The issue with making sure all mount scripts run before localmount would
complicate things more for users because they would have to add the
mount.foo symlinks to the appropriate runlevels (boot for local file
systems and default for network ones).

If I did add special handling to the mount script for an already-mounted
file system, what should that be -- to ignore it or remount it? I'm
tending toward remount.


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