* Ian Stakenvicius schrieb am 07.09.15 um 16:41 Uhr:
> Why not just:
> dev-python/paramiko
> !~dev-python/paramiko-1.13.0
> "
> Depend on the package but block the individual atom(s) that don't work?

I like it. At least with the current possibilities. I was not aware that 
"!~" is already a valid blocker.

> Given that there will be *very few* valid use cases for this type of
> syntax I don't know if it's such a good idea to add it.  I expect
> adding this new syntax would be more likely to cause issues via
> improper usage than it would add a benefit or fill any massively
> pressing need...

Depending on how it is implemented, I think it would be intuitive to 
use. I'd find having "=" vs. "!=" and "~" vs. "!~" straight forward.

You are of cource right that there is no "massively pressing need" atm.  
But that was not always a reason for a new feature ;)


0x35A64134 - 8AAC 5F46 83B4 DB70 8317
             3723 296C 6CCA 35A6 4134

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