On 8 September 2015 at 03:26, Marc Schiffbauer <msch...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> And as the cherry on the cake theere could be
> <> ( foo/bar-1 foo/bar-5 )

I kinda tried suggesting a similar syntax, but then I realised it
couldn't work, because it implicitly says "none of these" but it
doesn't state any sort of "Pull something"

And then I wondered what:

<> ( foo/bar-1 foo/quux-1 )

would do and my head exploded with all the pain.

So as verbose as the current syntax may be, its very easy to design
something worse, so I figure it better not to do anything unless we're
sure we haven't made a mess of it.


Or something, where "mixing the package atoms up is impossible", and
that way the planner could know that the versions applied to a single
requirement, instead of having to guess what it all means when it sees
3 specifications for the same package and going crazy with


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