On śro, 2017-05-24 at 14:21 +0900, Benda Xu wrote:
> Hi Michał,
> > Name: gentoo-dev-internal
> > 
> > Topic: technical discussions between active Gentoo contributors
> Basically I object to this proposal.  
> 1. Another layer of hierarchy is not desirable for a non-profit
>    organization like us.
> 2. Useful discussion are diluted from 1 list into 2 lists.
> 3. It is really hard to whitelist/moderate in a transparent and
>    objective way.
> I take the intention of this proposal as that you would like to keep a
> certain group of people out of your discussions.  If you personally want
> to mute someone, it is straightforward to set up a blacklist in your

Sure. And also mute the 30 random replies which might or might not be

> I don't think a change is needed at the Gentoo infra level.

I wouldn't call opening a new mailing list 'a change'. It is a regular
request made by developers who need a tool to work with.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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