>>>>> On Wed, 29 Sep 2021, A Schenck wrote:

> On 9/28/21 8:36 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
>> [WW] some message
>> [EE] other message
>> [QA] hell if i know what this is
>> I've also added more colors to explicitly distinguish einfo from elog,
>> and ewarn from eqawarn.  Then, I've replaced most of '>>>' and '!!!'
>> used by Portage with four-character versions to keep messages aligned. 
>> The 'zings' used for merging files remain three-character, so now it's
>> easily possible to distinguish messages from installed file list.

> Didn't expect to be the only dissenting opinion on something like this
> but. . . Some applications parse portage output looking for these
> 'zings'. At very least app-portage/kuroo does it this way; there must be
> others, right? This is obviously not the ideal way to get information
> out of portage, but it's been stable for the 15 years Kuroo has existed.
> 10-ish years ago dol-sen started some work on building and API for
> portage, but then got sucked into core portage development to the point
> of abandoning their GTK+ portage GUI porthole, which was the original
> impetus for an API, and as far as we know, the API never made it to the
> point it could replace parsing the output.

If only the length of the >>> and !!! strings is a problem, then why not
leave them alone and go for single-letter tags instead? Like this:

   [.] einfo
   [I] elog
   [W] ewarn
   [E] eerror
   [Q] eqawarn

The only problematic one is [Q] instead of [QA] which is no longer
self-explanatory. Then again, only devs and experienced users should see
eqawarn messages.


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