>>>>> On Sat, 19 Mar 2022, Zoltan Puskas wrote:

[Please don't top-post.]

> I've been using both repoman _and_ pkgcheck becasue I was not sure which
> one covers all the checks I need to make. In fact [Pull Requests
> wiki](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GitHub/Pull_requests) has a
> big red warning box with the following message, and I quote:

> "CI is not an excuse not to run repoman full, at least for the packages
> being committed."

That warning box also says: "Furthermore, pkgcheck is imperfect (yet
very fast) and may fail to notice some subtle breakages (especially if
USE flag masking/forcing) is involved."

Looks like the warning was added by mgorny in 2016 [1]. Have these
issues with pkgcheck been fixed in the meantime?



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