On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 10:57 AM Eddie Chapman <ed...@ehuk.net> wrote:
> No, this is the the bad actor *themselves* being a
> principal author of the software, working stealthily and in very
> sophisticated ways for years, to manoeuvrer themselves and their software
> into a position of trust in the ecosystem whereby they were almost able to
> pull off the mother of all security nightmares for the world.

This is entirely speculative at this point.  It isn't certain that the
author is the one behind the exploit, and if they were, it is not
known for how long their intentions were malicious, or even what their
motivations were.  It is also unclear what pseudonymous accounts with
what projects are associated with the attacker.

You could end up being right, but it probably makes sense to at least
give things a few days for more facts to become available, before
making decisions to retool the entire distro.

I think the bigger challenge is what could have been done to prevent
this sort of problem in the first place.  There are so many projects
that end up with code running as root that have one or two people
taking care of them, and if somebody does the work to become one of
those maintainers, there aren't many people looking out for problems.

I think one thing that would help here is for distros to have better
ways to ensure that the code in the scm matches the code in the
tarball.  It is pretty common for releases to be manipulated in some
way (even if only to gpg sign them, but often to switch from commit
IDs to version numbers and so on), and that can be a place where stuff
gets added.  That still says nothing about obfuscated code, which this
also involved.


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