On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 05:02:54PM -0800 or thereabouts, Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
> I found out that entering the URL at https://localhost/squirrelmail/ works
> but the one without the trailing / doesnt work. I saw some articles about
> this in the squirrelmail list but havent figured out what I need to do about
> it.

Do you have the ServerName directive set?

> The other error I had was that I had set up IMAP-SSL and set the port to
> 993. That doesnt work. I dont as yet know how to tell squirrelmail to use
> imapds.

Squirrelmail is generally connects over IMAP using the localhost
interface.  There is no need to use IMAPS to connect to a local port.


Andrew Pasquale   
GPG id: 31AA061C 

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