raptor wrote:
> if I emerge sync from one of my computer in the network... can I after
> that sync other computers on the network from it but not from the central
> gentoo mirrors ... how ?  

I've done this.  I started with the rsync-mirror documentation at:


However, it seemed to me that if the first computer is a Gentoo box
getting a regular "emerge sync", then there's already a copy of the
portage tree living at /usr/portage and no need to rsync a complete
second and/or third set as alluded to there.

I ended up with an rsyncd.conf that looked like:

  use chroot = yes
  max connections = 20
  pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
  motd file = /etc/rsync/rsyncd.motd
  transfer logging = yes
  log format = %t %a %m %f %b
  syslog facility = local3
  timeout = 300

  #this entry is for compatibility
  # path = /space/gentoo/rsync
  path = /usr/portage
  comment = Gentoo Linux Portage tree

  #modern versions of portage use this entry
  # path = /gentoo/rsync
  path = /usr/portage
  comment = Gentoo Linux Portage tree mirror
  exclude = distfiles

Note that I enabled chroot and set path = /usr/portage in two places.

Over on my second computer, I added this line to /etc/make.conf:


and now "emerge sync" there gets data from the first machine.  I'm not
doing the every-30-minutes rsync that the document requires for official
mirrors, because I'm simply doing "emerge sync" on the first machine
before the second one.

I'm tempted to also do an rsync without the --delete option to grab
everything in the first machine's /usr/portage/distfiles and drop it in
the second machine's, since du tells me that's more than half my
/usr/portage already.  Or maybe I have to look into setting it up as an
http mirror and including it in GENTOO_MIRRORS.

(That document should really also have a line about rc-update and starting
rsyncd manually the first time.)

Anthony de Boer

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