On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 20:18, Benjamin Unger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been running KDE 3.1 for a while, and I decided to try Gnome 2.2. 
> After I logged in, though, I found that windows draw rather slowly when 
> maximizing, and generally my system seems to stutter, whereas in KDE this 
> didn't happen (I could run multiple compilations and still use the system 
> for other things. Now if I'm compiling something, the mouse stutters 
> horribly).
> Are there any general fixes for this sort of thing, or is the ebuild 
> somehow unoptimized?

do you have a nvidia card?
if you do have, 
don't use the newest nvidia-binary driver ( 4191? ) with gnome...
use the 3xyz version.
there are problems with the 4191 version


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