On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 01:19, Arturo di Gioia wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 01:43, Arthur Britto wrote:
> > My score so far:
> >  evolution launched from mailto:            yes
> How did you do that? I suppose something in prefs.js.

Under Gnome the following works for me:

For Gnome 1.x add the following hander to ~/.gnome/Gnome:
[URL Handlers]
mailto-show=evolution "%s"

For Gnome 2.x add a service with: Applications > Desktop Preferences >
Advanced > File types and programs > Internet Services > Add service...

Description: Mail
Protocol: mailto
Program: evolution "%s"

It is important to do both configurations.  Some programs are not yet
Gnome 2.x compliant.

> >  quicktime (w/ mplayer-plugin)              yes
> >  windows media (w/ mplayer-plugin)          yes
> I tried to search for an ebuild with no luck. Did you manually compiled
> the sources?

ebuild /usr/portage/media-video/mplayer/mplayer-0.90_rc4.ebuild
ebuild /usr/portage/net-www/mplayerplug-in/mplayerplug-in-0.40.ebuild


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