I heard Mike Williams said:

> That's a nasty workaround, I'd be inclined to check and fix
> /etc/env.d/49kdelibs-3.1 & /etc/env.d/56kdedir-3.1 (or similar), run
> 'env-update && source /etc/profile && ldconfig'.

Well, I don't remember this helped any in my case (the paths /are/ fine 
already), but I'll have to check again.

> I know you're already compiling, but it'll only break again after the
> next KDE upgrade :)

I am not 100% sure. I upgraded from 3.1 to 3.1.1 already, and it still 
seems to be working.

... Actually, I've just re-emerged MPlayer, just to make sure, and it 
indeed works. The idea is to make the symbolic link to libartsc.so, and 
not libartsc.so.<current version>; that way the admittedly nasty 
workaround keeps working across versions.

Speaking of which, anyone knows why the shmuck the current version of 
libartsc is 0.0, when the version involved is really aRts 1.1.1?

-- S.

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