Mike Williams wrote:
On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 13:59, Don Smith wrote:
Ah ah! Looks like the old libarts problem. For some reason the lib isn't 
found anymore after an upgrade to KDE 3.1. Here's what I did to get it 
to work:

ln -s /usr/kde/3.1/lib/libartsc.so /usr/lib/libartsc.so

Then be sure to call 'ldconfig', just to make sure, and retry to compile 
MPlayer. It should work. I hope. :)
Now that is the answer I am looking for!  That was it, it is compiling 
away right now :)  I had just upgraded to KDE 3.1.1 recently. 

Thanks to all for the suggestions. 

That's a nasty workaround, I'd be inclined to check and fix 
/etc/env.d/49kdelibs-3.1 & /etc/env.d/56kdedir-3.1 (or similar), run
'env-update && source /etc/profile && ldconfig'.
I know you're already compiling, but it'll only break again after the
next KDE upgrade :)

What are these files?  What do they do? and  where is the documentation?  I have never looked at them before.
Mitchell James

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