On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:33:26 +0100 
"Tan, Stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At the risk of having someone flame me, I'm not sure I'd run Gentoo on
> Corporate desktops or servers. I don't think that it's stable enough
> for a production environment. 

Not about to flame, since I really don't care about corporate
environments. Sure it would be nice to have gentoo runing on my work
machine, but it's quite unlikely for a windows developer :( 
(btw. anyone know any nice linux jobs in finland?)

> (Having had 2 occasions in the past 6 months that I have been running
> Gentoo where portage/emerge related issues have hosed (a) gcc and (b)
> libstdc++.so, I'll stand by that statement!)

But this is quite a surprise... I've been running gentoo way over 6
months an I update my machine quite frequently (several times a week if
not daily), and still I've been able to somehow miss those.

Maybe it's because I'm running gentoo testing/unstable(?). Well anyway,
not a single problem, if you don't count the occasions when some ebuild
refuses to compile due to some weird dependency or whatever.

It is true however, that I've set my AUTOCLEAN to 'no' in my make.conf
just in case. It's that way because I want to make sure the new version
works before I clean anything, so it easier to roll back.


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
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