On Fri 4 April 2003 11:22, Spider wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:17:36 +0200
> Jose Gonzalez Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I'll take the bait... here
> >     Several people in this thread seem to associate graphical
> >     installers
> > with precompiled packages, why?
> <<<SNIP>>>
> >     And don't forget that I love Gentoo the way it is right now, just
> >     I
> > think that a graphical installer would be a great thing for Gentoo to
> > gain mass adoption, that's all.
> >
> >     Regards
> >     Jose
> Okay, I might keep a fairly low profile theese days, several reasons,
> most private, but I have to come in with a point here.
> please, dont take this as an official "Gentoo"  opinion, its not
> discussed in the devteam, its not politically correct and its
> inflammatory and prejudiced and put some good people in a fairly bad
> light.
> Well,  Thats my inflamatory rant on the subject of why I fear a
> userfriendly installer that helps the less advanced users on their path
> into the project.
> //Spider

Well said spider, I have learnt more about linux by installing, reading the 
docs and using gentoo than I ever did with the other distributions.
We need to keep the overhead for the official gentoo team to a minimum, the 
bigest help we could make is to only post relevent questions after reading 
the docs and checking the bug site.


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