Spider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:17:36 +0200
> Jose Gonzalez Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I'll take the bait... here 
> One thing that scares me with the ease-of-install and simplicity, the
> lowering of the threshold for users to install Gentoo, is this.

I agree with what you had to say as well spider.  I don't think it's
necessary to make the installation process artificially difficult
(hiding documentation, or even not having any, etc) but I wouldn't
want to make a significant change (like a gui installer) even one
that allowed for the same level of customization. I also don't think
it's all that politically incorrect.

I think someone else already said this, but I think the install makes
for a good barrier to entry.  If you can't handle that, then it's not
going to get better/easier for you, so you should hold off and gain
some more experience with another distribution and come back later
when you start getting frustrated with its limitations.

Note that this preference to exclude a group isn't a permanent 
exclusion.  I think any linux user that sticks with it has the
potential to use and enjoy gentoo.  In fact, I think it's 
/inevitable/ that they'll come here, once they start feeling the
limitations of their current distribution. 

This is not a superiority thing.  I don't think I'm better than
any of these people, I've just got more experience and/or have
worked harder at it.  With time and effort there's no reason that
most people couldn't have at least as easy a time at this as I
do.  I'm nothing special in this regard, I don't have some special
gentoo gene or anything.

No one is more hopelessly enslaved than the person who falsely 
believes he is free. 
                                --Johann Goethe

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