Hi Johnny,

Nachricht vom Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2003, 17:02:23:

> I'm getting a laptop soon. Not the latest model, but reasonably useable
> (aiming for somewhere around 800 MHz, 256 meg).
I have been running Gentoo on a Pentium-75 with 14MB Ram for more than
half a year now, and I am impressed. I have not been able to Gentoo
anything running on it due to low memory except Gentoo and LFS. First
install was with the hdd in a desktop (using an adaptor), but all
updates were on the ldaptop. 

> I'm using Gentoo on my desktop machine and I like it. I wonder if
> any of you have opinions on Gentoo on a laptop.
As Gentoo is more customizable than other distros, you'll heave
probably more luck to get the thing running than with other distros...
> I realize that the usual set-aside-a-day-to-compile-kde rules apply,
> but other than that, is Gentoo a wise choise for laptops?
Why not?
> My theory is that as Gentoo is very customizable, and as you _have_
> to compile your own kernel, the odds that you're gonna get your
> hardware working is good.
That are my experiences.

> Any comments? Or does anyone have good experiences with other
> distros on laptops?
No remarkable good experiences with other distros, but not so many bad
as that would count.


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