I've got a Dell Latitude X200 which mostly works with Gentoo Linux (have
never tried any of the other distributions).  The only thing that's really
broken (haven't had time to figure this one out yet) is that when I
suspend, then resume, sound goes away.  Otherwise, everything else works.


On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Johnny Andersson wrote:

> I'm getting a laptop soon. Not the latest model, but reasonably useable 
> (aiming for somewhere around 800 MHz, 256 meg). 
> I'm using Gentoo on my desktop machine and I like it. I wonder if any of you 
> have opinions on Gentoo on a laptop. I realize that the usual 
> set-aside-a-day-to-compile-kde rules apply, but other than that, is Gentoo a 
> wise choise for laptops? My theory is that as Gentoo is very customizable, 
> and as you _have_ to compile your own kernel, the odds that you're gonna get 
> your hardware working is good.
> Any comments? Or does anyone have good experiences with other distros on 
> laptops?
> --
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