On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 22:40:00 +0530, Saurabh Nanda wrote:

> * Has anyone tried this? What was your experience?

I was thinking that a customised squid proxy just for portage would be
pretty good.

Tell the users to set up to use the proxy for portage _only_ (and tell
them all to use your backbone's portage mirror - eg mirror.ac.uk/gentoo
for UK universities - so common files always have the same URL - there are
also some other neat tricks with squid you can use for this) and then
have it cache everything for a month or so - self pruning of old versions,
and no hickups when two people try and grab a new file at the same time.

It can handle FTP and HTTP, so no problems there. You can even use
authentication so that only approved university users can access it.

Might be more tamper proof than NFS etc and less troublesome than
maintaining a rsync mirror.

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