did you do 'make mrproper' between the compiles when it didn't work? it
cleans up so it should be like a newly emerged tree.

On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 16:02, daniel wrote:
> On June 23, 2003 08:53 am, Frank Hellmuth wrote:
> > I noticed today that I have linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r3, -r4 and -r5 sources
> > on my hard disk, working and backup kernel are both r5.
> >
> > or are the old versions (or at least the headers) still needed?
> >
> > If it's OK to clean them, why doesn't portage do it by itself when
> > updating?
> to be honest, i don't entirely understand what the sources are for.  i know 
> they're required to build a module, but i don't know what files are needed, 
> or where the modules sit once compiled.  but what i do know is this:
> a while back i compiled my kernel (a few times actually) and it kept panicking 
> on boot.  so i took a shot and did the following:
> # emerge --unmerge gentoo-sources
> # rm -r /usr/src/*
> # emerge gentoo-sources
> # cd /usr/src/linux
> # make menuconfig (or copy old .config back in)
> # make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install
> # mount /boot/
> # rm /boot/bzImage
> # cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/
> # reboot
> and all worked out.  i'm pretty sure if i just blew away all of the sources 
> without re-emerging and recompiling, i'd be in trouble, but the above offered 
> me no problems.
> ...too bad it looks like a windows solution.  some detailed explanation on the 
> usefulness of the kernel sources would be greatly appreciated.

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