On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 15:58:11 -0700
Zack Gilburd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Your mail was sooo full of (intentional?) misunderstandings that I
couldn't believe it. Others have addressed most of them, but lets take
this as a another example...

> > Well currently they are still using Windows, and I've totally
> > stopped using it (except in my work as windows developer because I
> > really don't have a choise). Still I keep thinking about installing
> > linux on my parents machine also, since they are already using
> > mozilla etc.
> LOL they are using Mozilla so now they are ready to take on a command
> line with nothing being familiar to them? HAHAHAHAH... I only ask that
> you open your eyes.  Linux is NOT the best choice for everyone, and
> god help us the day that it is.

Who said anything about command line? They don't use it in windows
either, and propably don't even know what it is. If I was to set up a
linux-box with gnome/kde and a graphical login, with mozilla,
balsa/sylpheed/evolution (pre-configured of course) and openoffice
buttons in the workspace/toolbar, why would the ever need to touch the
command line? All they ever do is use those applications, but because
it's linux everybody needs to do some hacking in the command line?


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
the whole world." - Immanuel Kant


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
 the whole world." - Immanuel Kant

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