On Monday 30 June 2003 07:42 pm, Owen Gunden wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 03:58:11PM -0700, Zack Gilburd wrote:
> > Yes, they would.  They would ask you why on earth is it so hard to use
> > and why can't I open XYZ.doc that my friend sent me?  It works just fine
> > for [him|her]!
> When was the last time you used office software in Linux?

Insert an image into a .doc.  Try to open that .doc with OpenOffice.  Open and 
shut case.

> > I've tried getting my father to use Linux.  The drawbacks and the reason
> > why he went back to Windows was because of compatibility with other
> > computers. He's a business man, he needs to receive docs, etc on a
> > regular basis.
> Give another example, beyond .docs, because linux has that covered.

See above, no we do not have it covered.

> > What a terrible assumption.  A well thought out and planned attack can be
> > executed and completed sucessfully against Linux than it can Windows.
> I'll believe it when I see it.  Where's your evidence that Linux is even
> remotely as vulnerable as Windows?

When was the last time that the TSC could control a Windows desktop merely by 
talking to it?  Think about the bomb that was dropped on OpenSSH and the CRC 

> > Windows XP has a form of their terminal services client/server out of the
> > box. How easy would it be to instruct your grandmother on how to install,
> > configure, and run a VNC server?  It's just easier with Windows in that
> > aspect.
> ???  Why would she need to do that?  ssh works "out of the box", with far
> fewer security problems then terminal services.  VNC what??

<sarcasm> I wasn't aware the Linux kernel came with SSH. </sarcasm>  Linux is 
a kernel, not an operating system.

> > And if you think I am a Windows supporter or troll, tell that to my 4
> > Gentoo boxes.
> I think you're giving yourself too much credit for knowing how to run a
> linux box.  It's not that hard, 13 year old kids do it, and some are
> probably better than you at it.

I am 15.  Do you run SELinux?  I have a Linux+ certification and am en route 
to receiving a RHCE.  I think I deserve a little credit.

> > There is a huge difference between being a Linux zealot, as you are, and
> > being an open minded individual, thus seeing the situation as a whole.
> You've got this about as backwards as you can.  I can't stand it when
> people who have been running windows for 10 years say that it's easier to
> use "by nature".  Open up /your/ eyes, man.  If you were open-minded about
> the situation you'd give linux as much learning time as you've given
> windows (and encourage others around you to do so as well).

I wouldn't touch Windows with a *barge* FFS.  I would give Linux as much 
learning time?  I first started messing with Linux at age 7 when I obtained a 
boxed set of Slackware 7.1.  I have been using solely Linux for the passed 8 
months.  Please do not assume that I do not know Linux.

Zack Gilburd
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