Is there a step missing in the install docs? Where it says,

First, we will download, burn and boot a LiveCD.

doesn't it really mean

First, we will download, _decompress_, burn and boot a LiveCD.

If I have divined the true intention up to this point, then I wonder how well this is going to work when I do the download, decompress, and burn in Windows 2000. A Google search revealed several programs that claimed to know what a .tar.bz2 file is. I d/l'ed and used the first one (PowerArchiver 2003) that was freeware, and used it.

It kept asking me whether I wanted to overwrite this file and that file with files of the same name, in the same directory, but with different sizes and date-time stamps. This baffles me. A directory can't contain files of the same name, can it?

At first, I made my decision based on the length of the two files, keeping the longer version in every case. But after a while, it started repeatedly asking whether I wanted to replace a file named @LongLink, length 100 or so bytes, with one of length zero. I could no longer escape the feeling that something was amiss. After I-don't-know-how-many repetitions of this, I just clicked the button that told it to replace all the rest, without asking.

For a few months, back in about 1990, I was an active HP/UX user. I seem to recall that the @-sign was shorthand for "cd .. no longer works. Nyeah, nyeah."

I am going to press forward, but meanwhile, if anyone can see an obvious flaw in this plan, or can reassure me that it really ought to work, please let me know. Thanks.

--Erv Young

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