On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 11:53:37 +0100
Dhruba Bandopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes.  To my utter surprise not one person has caught onto the proper
> way to deal with this request.  Simply inject a stub to make portage
> think apache2 is installed.
> emerge -i net-www/apache-2.0.47
Interestingly, I have been trying to do this with qmail for a while to
avoid accidentally emerging ssmtp as an unexpected dependency of
something and screwing up my qmail installation. I have never gotten it
to work. I issue the command emerge -i net-mail/qmail-1.03-r8 and it
says that it is injected. However, there is no entry in the world file
and emerge world is still trying to install ssmtp occassionally. Quite

Is this working for others? 

Ian Truelsen
AIM: ihtruelsen
Homepage: http://www.ihtruelsen.dyndns.org

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